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502 Area Code: Location, Time Zone & Phone Lookup

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What Does Area Code 502 Mean?

Area code 502 is the area code for Louisville, KY and the surrounding areas. It is the only area code that serves the area.

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The Details of Area Code 502

Area code 502 is located in Kentucky and was created on November 1, 1996. This area code covers 8 counties which are: Kenton, Boone, Grant, Pendleton, Harrison, Bullitt, Spencer, and Anderson.

What Time Zone Is Area Code 502 Located In?

When it comes to time zones, there can be a lot of confusion. What time is it in area code 502? And what time zone is it located in?The time zone for area code 502 is Central Standard Time (CST). This means that the time in area code 502 is the same as the time in Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Memphis, and St. Louis.

If you're ever in doubt about what time zone an area code is in, just check out a map. The time zone for each area code is displayed on the map, making it easy to see which time zone each one is in.

Knowing the time zone for an area code can be helpful when making travel plans. If you're in area code 502 and want to call someone in, say, area code 213, you'll know that the call will be taking place during Pacific Standard Time.

When it comes to time zones, it's always good to be aware of what's going on in other parts of the country. Thanks for reading!

Phone Number Prefixes In The 502 Area Code