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509 Area Code: Location, Time Zone & Phone Lookup

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What Does Area Code 509 Mean?

Area code 509 is located in eastern Washington and covers Spokane, Yakima, Spokane Valley, Kennewick, and Pasco. It is the only area code that serves the area.

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The Details of Area Code 509

509 area code is one of the original area codes established in 1947 for the state of Washington. The area code includes all of Spokane and Whitman Counties, and a portion of Ferry County. The eastern portion of the 509 area code is also in the Pacific Time Zone, while the western portion observe Mountain Time.The 509 area code is unique in that it is one of the few area codes in the country that is divided into two time zones. This can cause some confusion for people who are not used to the time difference. For example, if you are in the eastern part of the 509 area code and make a phone call to someone in the western part, the call will likely go to voicemail because they will be in bed.

There are a few other things to know about the 509 area code. First, it is one of the largest area codes in the country, covering over 21,000 square miles. Second, it is one of the most rural area codes, with a population of just over 1.3 million people. Finally, it is one of the most expensive area codes to call, with a per-minute rate of $0.25.

What Time Zone Is Area Code 509 Located In?

When it comes to area codes, there are a lot of factors to consider. For example, what time zone is area code 509 located in? Depending on your location, this code may be in a different time zone.509 is located in the Pacific Time Zone. This means that, depending on your location, the time difference between 509 and your location could be anywhere from two to three hours. If you're in California, for example, 509 is in the same time zone. However, if you're in Oregon, Washington, or Idaho, 509 is in a different time zone.

This can be confusing for many people, as the time difference can be a bit jarring depending on your location. It's important to be aware of this when you're trying to contact someone in 509. Make sure to adjust your time appropriately so you're not calling at the wrong time!

Phone Number Prefixes In The 509 Area Code