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606 Area Code: Location, Time Zone & Phone Lookup

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What Does Area Code 606 Mean?

Area code 606 is located in eastern Kentucky and covers Ashland, Somerset, and Middlesborough. It is the only area code that serves the area.

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The Details of Area Code 606

There are ten digits in an area code, and in the US, the first three digits signify the area code. For example, 212 is the area code for Manhattan in New York City. 606 is the area code for parts of Kentucky.The first three digits of an area code are also known as the prefix. In the 606 area code, the prefix is 606. This means that all phone numbers in this area code have the prefix 606.

The last seven digits of a phone number are the unique number for that phone line. So, a phone number in the 606 area code might be 606661212.

What Time Zone Is Area Code 606 Located In?

When it comes to time zones, there are plenty of questions that people have. And one of the most common questions is about the time zone for a specific area code.In this blog post, we'll answer the question: What time zone is Area Code 606 located in?

The answer is Eastern Standard Time. So, if you're in Area Code 606, you're in the Eastern time zone.

We hope this blog post was helpful!

Phone Number Prefixes In The 606 Area Code