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774 Area Code: Location, Time Zone & Phone Lookup

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What Does Area Code 774 Mean?

Area code 774 is located in Massachusetts and covers Worcester, New Bedford, Brockton, Fall River, and Framingham. It is an overlay for area code 508 and serves the same area.

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The Details of Area Code 774

Are you looking for more information on area code 774? You've come to the right place. Here we'll provide you with all the details you need to know about this area code, including how to dial it and what cities and states are covered.774 is a Massachusetts area code that covers the southeastern region of the state. Major cities in the 774 zone include Boston, Worcester, and Providence. If you're looking to call someone in this area code, you'll need to dial 011-1-774 followed by the phone number.

If you're looking to visit Massachusetts, be sure to check out some of the great cities in the 774 zone. Boston is the capital of Massachusetts and offers a great mix of history and culture. Worcester is the second-largest city in the state and is known for its universities and museums. And Providence is the largest city in Rhode Island and home to renowned theaters and restaurants.

Thanks for reading our blog on area code 774. We hope you found it helpful.

What Time Zone Is Area Code 774 Located In?

Are you wondering what time zone area code 774 is located in? Are you trying to call someone in Massachusetts and need to know what time it is there?Area code 774 is located in the Eastern Time Zone. This means that the time in Massachusetts is the same as the time in New York, Philadelphia, and all of the other Eastern Time Zone states. If it is 5 PM in Massachusetts, it is also 5 PM in New York and Philadelphia.

If you need to call someone in Massachusetts and you are not sure what time it is there, you can use the World Clock website to get the answer. This website will show you the current time in all of the different time zones across the world.