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808 Area Code: Location, Time Zone & Phone Lookup

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What Does Area Code 808 Mean?

Area code 808 covers the entire state of Hawaii. It is the only area code that serves the area.

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    The Details of Area Code 808

    Hawaii is a beautiful place with plenty of things to do, but did you know that there are also a few interesting things about the area code? 808 is one of the most famous area codes in the world, and for good reason. Here are some of the details about this iconic code.The 808 area code is located in the state of Hawaii. It is one of the original area codes assigned to the state in 1947, and it is still in use today. The 808 code is also one of the most famous area codes in the world, thanks to its use in popular songs and movies.

    In addition to its notoriety, the 808 area code is also famous for its unique phone number format. Unlike most area codes, which use three digits, the 808 code uses four digits. This is because Hawaii is the only state in the US with a four-digit area code.

    The 808 area code is also unique because it is one of the few area codes that is not assigned to a specific geographical region. Instead, it is assigned to all of Hawaii. This means that anyone in the state can use the 808 code, regardless of their location.

    If you're planning a trip to Hawaii, be sure to get an area code that starts with 808. This will let everyone know that you're from the Aloha State!

    What Time Zone Is Area Code 808 Located In?

    The answer to this question isn't as straightforward as you might think. Area code 808 is located in the Hawaiian islands, which are in the Pacific Standard Time Zone. However, the islands themselves operate on Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time, which is two hours behind the mainland. So, when it's noon on the mainland, it's 10 a.m. on the islands.

    Phone Number Prefixes In The 808 Area Code