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865 Area Code: Location, Time Zone & Phone Lookup

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What Does Area Code 865 Mean?

Area code 865 is located in Tennessee and covers Knoxville, Oak Ridge, and Maryville. It is the only area code that serves the area.

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The Details of Area Code 865

When it comes to area codes, 865 is a fairly new one. It was created in 1997, and it covers Knoxville and the surrounding area. If you're looking for a phone number in that area, you'll need to use the 865 code.One thing to keep in mind when dialing a number in 865 is that you need to include the area code even if the number you're dialing is local. For example, if you're trying to call a number in Knoxville, you would need to dial (865) XXX-XXXX, even if the number is only three digits long.

If you're visiting Knoxville and need to dial a number back home, you'll need to use the international dialing code for the United States, which is 011. So, if you're trying to call a number in Boston, you would dial (011) 617-XXX-XXXX.

If you have any other questions about area code 865, be sure to ask us in the comments!

What Time Zone Is Area Code 865 Located In?

The 865 area code is located in the Eastern Time Zone. This time zone is shared by six states: Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, and Maine.

Phone Number Prefixes In The 865 Area Code