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912 Area Code: Location, Time Zone & Phone Lookup

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What Does Area Code 912 Mean?

Area code 912 is located in southeastern Georgia and covers Savannah, Hinesville, and Statesboro. It is the only area code that serves the area.

Major Cities in 912 Area Code

Other Cities That Use 912 Area Code

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The Details of Area Code 912

When it comes to area codes, 912 is one that often stirs up a lot of questions. What exactly is this area code, and where is it located?Area code 912 is located in the southeastern United States, and is made up of the coastal areas of Georgia and South Carolina. This area code is responsible for a population of over 2.5 million people, and covers an area of over 15,000 square miles.

Due to its location, 912 is often used for calls to and from the coastal areas of both Georgia and South Carolina. This area code is also used for calls to and from the islands of Tybee, Hilton Head, and Jekyll.

If you're looking for more information on area code 912, be sure to check out the websites below. They offer a wealth of information on this area code, including how to dial it, what cities and towns are included in it, and more.



What Time Zone Is Area Code 912 Located In?

When looking up an area code, you may want to know what time zone it is in. This can be important if you are trying to call someone in that area code. Area code 912 is located in the Eastern Standard Time Zone.

Phone Number Prefixes In The 912 Area Code