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931 Area Code: Location, Time Zone & Phone Lookup

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What Does Area Code 931 Mean?

Area code 931 is the area code for most of central Tennessee surrounding the Nashville metro area. It includes the cities of Clarksville, Columbia, and Cookeville. It is the only area code that serves the area.

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The Details of Area Code 931

Area code 931 is located in the state of Tennessee. This area code was assigned on February 1, 1997. Area code 931 is primarily used in the state of Tennessee. However, there are a few exceptions. For example, some people in the cities of Clarksville and Nashville also use this area code. Area code 931 covers a total area of approximately 9,968 square miles. This area code is subdivided into 531 different phone exchanges.

What Time Zone Is Area Code 931 Located In?

Looking for the answer to this question? You've come to the right place!The 931 area code is located in the Central time zone.

Phone Number Prefixes In The 931 Area Code